About the Author: Maha Sabur


My name is Maha Sabur (Given name is Deborah Knight) I am a Caucasian American Muslim. I was seventeen when I converted to Islam and married a Saudi Arabian man in 1980. I moved to Saudi Arabia when I was nineteen, and lived there for approximately thirteen years. I basically lived in Saudi Arabia as a Saudi, I even learned to speak Arabic. I gave birth to six children with my Saudi Arabian husband. The oldest child is a boy, and he had five little sisters. I obtained an Islamic divorce from my Saudi Arabian husband in the year 2002. I have been back in America for approximately eleven years, staying in contact with my children. With the help of my son, I was able to visit them in 2005. In July 2006 I married a wonderful African American, Muslim man born in Mississippi, in the year 1952, to a merchant farmer family.

As a result of a major accident, the many favors of Allah, the catastrophe of 9/11, and the Iraq war, I decided to write this book. The media and radio began targeting Islam and Muslims, because of the wrongful acts committed by oppressed Muslims, acts that are forbidden in Islam. The majority of Americans are unaware of the way God guides mankind to conduct him or herself by way of the Holy Qur’an, and the way of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). They believe solely in what they hear. I was not surprised to hear, a vast number of Americans simply want to know the truth.

My book is the story of my life, from birth to present. When I wrote my book, "My Precious Children, My Plight, My Life, My Story", my main objective was to better peoples opinion about Islam. When people understand something, they are less apt to be afraid of, or dislike it. I believe, anyone having belief in there heart, would see that an Islamic way of life is a righteous way of life, and the best way for mankind to live a healthy life style. 

Allah allowed me to experience many things in this world, before I experienced true faith, and through my experiences, I acquired knowledge, Alhamdulillah. I've learned what to say to people about Islam, which help them to see Islam in it's proper perspective. I lived between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for many years, and obtained the ability to comprehend, what non-Muslims fail to understand about Islam. I address some of these misguided ideals, being placed in the minds of millions in my story.  While narrating the story of my life, I explain Islam. I lived in Mecca, and made Hajj and Ummra. I made Hajj 3 times, and Ummra many times,  Alhamdulillah! Therefore I have made it a point to explain the rituals of Hajj and Umra, and the reasons they are performed. I traveled between Saudi Arabia, and the United States many times over the years, and have heard the concerns of both sides, and learned what needed to be addressed in my book.

The written story of my life is a tribute to my loving children, also my loving mother for the hardship they suffered. It also speaks of the plight of ethnic minorities, such as the barbaric, inhuman atrocities the African Americans endured. They were forced by slavery to live in this land. Even fought in wars, and lost their lives, for this, “Land of the free, home of the brave”, so to speak. People are always talking about the holocaust, but I ask, what about the holocaust, which happened right here in America, in our own backyards with slavery.

Allowing people to understand Islam they can see, it is nothing to be afraid of, and could only serve, as a benefit to mankind in the best way!

2:112. Nay—whoever submits his whole self to Allah (God) and is a doer of good—he will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

If you appreciate what I’m trying to do here, and wish to help me out, would you be so kind, and inform your friends and acquaintances about my website and story which is available to read at no expense. 

I pray Allah raises the status of Muslims throughout the world! Although, many problems Muslims experience today, are a result of their own actions. I truly believe, if Muslims experience any difficulties in life, they should first ascertain their own actions! I say this to myself, as well as others!

AsSalaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah (may the peace and mercy of God be with you)

“My Precious Children, My Plight, My Life, My Story”

My Precious Children, My Plight, My Life, My Story is the true, heartbreaking story of an American woman, whose life took many twists and turns. Maha Sabur was born in 1962, a “military brat” who experienced the racial, and political riots of the sixties. Her ideas, and her way of life in general, contradicted with her father. The biggest contradictions were his distrusting attitude, and racial beliefs. In an attempt to flee from her father’s control, she ended up marrying her first husband, who was controlling as was her father.  Consequently, Maha moved to Saudi Arabia, where she lived for thirteen years.

There was marriage, separation, divorce, imprisonment in a foreign country, and making the heart-wrenching decision to leave her children on foreign soil. The marriage was destined to failure, because Maha’s “free spirit”, conflicted with her husband’s dominating character. Maha, also had to regain her memory, and learn how to walk and talk again, because of a horrifying car accident, which left her in a comatose state for almost three months; an accident, she strongly feels God chose, as a means to guide her to the straight path; to repent, and return!

Maha, courageously underscores the significance of following commands of God in the Holy Qur’an, and the examples of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), for some of today’s most controversial issues, such as treatment of women, racism, relations with other religions, and other spiritual aspects of Islam.

My Interviews